Training Hike

Today, my husband and I joined other Kili 2014 team members and mountaineer Angus Murray on a training hike on the Bruce Trail.  The purpose of the hike was to try out our gear in conditions typical to the Summit of Kili, assess our fitness level and have fun!  Angus has climbed Kilimanjaro seven times and he taught us techniques we will use for high altitude climbing, (the rest step, power breathing, pole use), and tips on packing and organizing our gear.  We discussed nutrition on the mountain and what chocolate bars are still edible in -20 weather (Wunderbar and Bounty), where to store snacks in your parka to still access them with your gloves on, and the etiquette of voiding in the bush when wearing multiple layers.

I am happy to report that I had a great day!  I was warm (which is an accomplishment – it was -21 with the wind chill, and we were outside from 10-3:30).  My feet didn’t hurt.  I had no problems keeping up with the group and was not tired or sore the next day.  We left the day sharing big hugs with my future climbing partners – looking forward to seeing them in less than a month, at the airport!!!


2 thoughts on “Training Hike

  1. WOW, Kristen this all sounds AMAZING. I will definitely be following your journey. Looking forward to hearing how it all goes 🙂

  2. I am so excited for you Kristen!!! Can’t wait to read your blog if you keep it up while away and hear all the stories when you return.

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