It was all going a little too smoothly! As Sarah noted in her Jan. 14 post, it’s not always easy to get the bandwidth required for data communications, so Kristen hasn’t been able to update her blog for the past 24 hours. She was scheduled to finish her climbing early today, at 3pm (7am EST), but seeing no activity on both Sarah & Kristen’s blogs, we’ll assume that she’s still unable to connect.
Flowers from Kilimanjaro
While she can’t send us her update, she did manage to send flowers! We were all a little surprised, even shocked, to receive flowers yesterday with notes of thanks as she started her climb of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Flowers went to a few people that had helped her prepare for this journey. The girls received theirs at school and were very excited. Taylor recognized the thank-you cards and figured out that she wrote and arranged before she left – how thoughtful of Kristen (not surprised)!

Blog Comments
Thanks to everyone that has been commenting! As Kristen noted, she loves receiving them and it’s a great addition to this log of her journey.
Last night, we changed from the “Mystery Man” silouette to the Identicon. These avatars are dynamically generated based on your email address, unique to each. Cameron really wanted the monsters!
Hopefully this is my last post and Kristen can resume soon!
Thank you for the flowers mommy <3 🙂 8) 😛
Thanks for the awesome flowers, my amazing mommy 😀
I love you ❗
Kristen you are amazing! I know you are probably having the time of your life. Keep safe
Love Rick and Sharon
Looking forward to your next post!
I just want to send a huge hug of congratulations to you Kristen! I am so very happy you have set this goal for yourself and so very proud of you! You have touched so many in ways you might never know with your quest to climb. You have encouraged people to believe that anything is possible if you try and work hard. Making the quote “To believe you can is everything” so very true! Enjoy your journey… Love M