Kili Success: We Made It!!!!!

Kristen at Summit of Kilimanjaro
I just arrived down from the Roof of Africa! It is truly an inspirational and gorgeous place!!! I am not going to lie – there was nothing easy about the trek. We started at 12:20. We arrived just before 8:00 and got down about 10:30. We now need to pack up camp and hike for another 2.5 hours+ to our final camp.

Kristen Kilimanjaro Summit Sign

Our entire team was successful – which makes the celebration even greater! Thanks for the support.

Full Outward Bound Group at Summit

29 thoughts on “Kili Success: We Made It!!!!!

  1. Congratulations Kristen! You did it! Wow! Can’t wait to hear all about it when you get home! Fantastic photo!!

  2. Super! What a wonderful day! You look so excited in that magnificent picture. Have a safe trip down!

  3. You are amazing! Congratulations! We are looking forward to hearing all about your adventure. Love Ray and Bets

  4. You did it!!
    I am following your adventure with wonder and excitement – thanks for sharing!!

  5. That’s amazing! We knew you would do it! Can’t wait to hear all about it 🙂 Safe travels home and can’t wait to see you!!!!

  6. OH SO AMAZING!!! I have been following everyday and knew you would get there! What a wonderful experience!! So excited for you… and safe journey home.

  7. WOOHOO!!!!! We knew you could do it!!! Way to go, Sis!!! You’re my hero!!! Can’t wait to have you home. Safe trip down. Love you!!

  8. Wow!! Congratulations!! What a joyous accomplishment. It has been exciting to share your journey with you. You are a truly remarkable woman.

  9. Kris, you’ve done it! This is not just the product of several months training but the summit of a 20 year journey! You have overcome! You are a wonderful role model for your girls. Keep chasing your dreams! We love you! Mom & Dad

  10. WoooooHooooo! Awesome Kristen!
    Your amazing summit picture says soooo much…..
    – starting with these updates to your “2014 to do list”:
    1) Trip to Africa…..check!
    2) Climb Kili…….check!
    3) Showing that dreams can come true with determination and hard work…….check!!!

    We are so proud of you!
    Love the Lehto’s

  11. Hi Kristen, Hope you received my other messages. It’s been so much fun sharing your adventure on your blog. You are amazing. Congradulations. What a dream come true for you. Look forward to you sharing your stories in person. Barb

  12. It was difficult but it still came with !!!!!! You are an exclamation point 🙂 Enthusiastically well done. Good for you!

  13. Congratulations Kristen! Bravo!
    I’ve been following your blog everyday since the beginning of your Kili adventure. I’m so happy for you! Taylor and Cameron have their hero :)!

  14. Congratulations Kris!!! We knew you could do it!!! So proud of you. Can’t wait to see you.

  15. Belated congrats, Kris…I tried to post yesterday but the site wouldn’t accept my post for some reason. Anyway, that’s an amazing pic of you at the summit, and an even more amazing feat. We’re very proud of you. Hope you have a safe journey back home.

    Love, Bob & Carol

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