All posts by Kristen Baumann

Four Months

Four months from now I will be on the plane – flying to Africa!!  It is exciting, thrilling and very scary all at the same time.  I will admit that in the past nine years the longest I have been away from my girls is 3 nights.  And now, I plan to  be half way across the world for 12 days!  They will have a fantasic “Daddy & Girls” time – but I will miss them all like crazy!


Making Progress

My training continues to progress.  This week I took 10 minutes off the “long, hilly walk”.  I held a plank for just over 2 minutes.  And, this morning I did 11 push-ups (admittedly, they were not consecutive – but 5+3+3=11!)

Kristen 1, Hills 0

I am (un)fortunate to live at the highest point in Midland. There are 8 parallel streets that lead from downtown up to this side of town. Every week I have been adding another hill to my training regimen. This morning I finished the circuit – I biked up and down all 8 hills! As my quads were burning and my lungs were screaming – I just told myself that if I can’t make it up a hill in Midland….how will I ever make it up to the highest point in Africa? My kids are tired of hearing me proudly tell them every Wednesday that “Mommy biked up this hill this morning”.

Sarah Wiley

Sarah Wiley
Sara Wiley, Outward Bound Canada

Today I met Sarah Wiley, the executive director of Outward Bound Canada.  She participated in the Huronia Triathlon (and won her age group!), so my family & I met her after the race to chat.

Sarah has climbed Kilimanjaro on a few occasions before.  She shared with us that last year two of the ten climbers did not reach the Summit – but other years all of the participants did summit.  We learned that for the ten participants and two OBC guides, there will be approximately 40 support people from Chagga Tours – Guides, Porters, Cooks, Wait Staff, one poor sole has the responsibility to transport our latrine.

Day #2 – another great day!

We are now at Shira Camp. I am sad to say that my cell connection is not good, so I realize these blog posts are not getting posted in a timely manner (or at all). I will write anyway.

Today was another fantastic day. We walked for almost 7 hours, and gained about 900 meters of elevation. The landscape is Mooreland. The bushes are lower, the rocks are mossy. We had another great day of weather – no rain, and a comfortable temperature. I was even in a tank and shorts for part of the day.

The porters and guides with Chagga tours are great. They are so caring. We arrive to camp and have hot drinks waiting, tents are set up, and they bring us a basin of water to wash.

I am taking in every moment of this adventure. Thank you all – I love this 🙂

Sent from my BlackBerry.